Information center and how to establish a daily routine in wartime

Information Security and Cyber Security

Alongside physical attacks, Israel is also currently facing many cyber threats against citizens, organizations and companies. Threats manifest in many ways, such as attempts to hack into networks, phishing attempts, fraud and more. In addition, Hamas and other anti-Israeli perpetrators are waging psychological warfare of intimidation and attempts to gather intelligence through social networks. The goals of these attacks can be personal, financial, compromising, disabling or even crashing our state infrastructures and our national resilience.
It is critical that we all remain vigilant during these times.

So, what can we do?

  1. Find stronger passwords for your WIFI networks and your home router. It is always preferable that you replace the default passwords received from the provider with strong and unique passwords.
  2. Download software updates to your smart devices to fix bugs and to close security breaches.
  3. If you have a "smart house", try to set different networks for your smart home appliances and your personal smart devices (cell phones and computers).
  4. Do not click suspicious links, not by e-mail, not by SMS, and not by WhatsApp.


Many companies and citizens make regular use of webcams for various needs, and it may be dangerous. Webcams can be cyber-hacked and through them, hackers can reach your organizational network or your home network.

In case of unwanted takeover on devices on the house, disconnect the hub from the internet, either by shutting down the device itself or by disconnecting it using the settings menu. Then you should contact your internet provider for clarifications and for reinforcing your settings against hacking.

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