Donations of medical equipment, volunteering, and vacancies in health care

Donate Mothers' Milk

Due to the war situation, there are babies whose mothers are absent and unable to breastfeed them. Mothers' milk units from the National Mothers' Milk Bank are an option to provide these babies with the best possible nutrition for them.

MDA's National Mothers' Milk Bank and the Ministry of Health are joining the war efforts to provide Mothers' milk to babies whose mothers are absent due to the war situation (either recruited, wounded, abducted or killed).

Who can donate Mothers' milk

  • You are generally healthy and maintain a balanced diet.
  • You do not drink more than two servings of alcohol per day.
  • You do not smoke (either tobacco cigarettes, hookah or electronic cigarettes) and you are significantly exposed to cigarette or marijuana smoke.
  • You do not use any drugs (including medical cannabis).
  • You did not sustain a significant biting injury in the last six months.
  • You did not have casual and unprotected sex in the last six months.
  • You did not use any non-sterilized and single use needles and you were not tattooed in the last four months.
  • You were not treated with human growth hormone from a human source, insulin from a bovine source, and you do not have a family history of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD).
  • Neither you, nor your partner, tested positive for:
    • HTLV
    • HIV
    • Jaundice hepatitis B or C
    • Tuberculosis
    • Syphilis
  • You are willing to maintain the hygiene and sterilization of the pumping kit before each and every pumping for the National Mothers' Milk Bank.
  • For babies aged 0 to 6 months (or until the beginning of feeding): you either breastfeed exclusively or pump exclusively.
  • For babies starting from 6 months and older: you have a milk volume of 100 ml per 24 hours or two liters per month.

If you are interested in donating Mothers' mothers' milk or if you have any questions about donations, please contact the National Mothers' Milk Bank:

Further information about the National Mothers' Milk Bank

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